Saturday, July 25, 2015

FABULUXE :: a boutique lifestyle concierge company


FABULUXE :: a boutique lifestyle event management company,we are privileged to managed our clients' most precious commodity, their time.

Since 2008, Fabuluxe has been providing superior service in the event management industry. Whether corporate or social affairs a #Fabuluxe personal touch goes a long way! 

Creating memorable experiences that exceeds expectations while adding just the right "wow" factor!

Under the creative direction of Rachelle Love Jones, MBA owner and lifestyle stylist offers over 15 years experience as a specialized event and hospitality professional. 

We understand the busy demands of achieving a balanced work-lifestyle and strive to provide our clients with complete and comprehensive lifestyle management solutions.

Let the FABULUXE #Dreamteam handle your special event, gift selection, personalized concierge services
wedding destination planning, 
social occasion or intimate getaway. 

If you must travel why not do it in #fabuluxestyle #fabuluxejetset

Fabuluxe is a division of So Fabuluxe!®
  and is a registered trademark, all rights reserved. 
Follow us on Twitter @FabuluxeCo 

©2015 FABULUXE Lifestyle | Rachelle Love Jone, Owner