Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Change is Coming...

New things are springing up at So Fabuluxe! We've been so busy with lots of new projects. We can't wait to unveil our new look and all the great changes that are coming to your in-box soon.

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish all the mothers, grandmothers, sisters and aunties a fabulous Mother's Day!

Mothers are a wonderful gift to this world. To my mother I love you!!! Thank you for all your love and support. Thanking for your gifts of love, patience and wisdom. You are a godly example for me to follow.
Cherish your mother's life who has transitioned onto glory, remember all the great times created and love shared. Rejoice in her life and celebrate her memory. May she forever live on in your hearts.

The Art of Fabulous Living!

Rachelle Jones
So Fabuluxe!